Monday, April 2, 2007

Having just signed the petition to protest Vice-President Cheney's appearance at BYU, I felt inspired to post my 1st-ever blog.

A Broadcast Journalist grad ('73) of the Y, I have never felt connected to my alma mater until now. Just turning 60 last month, I have been in the print media - both mainstream & gay - for 35+ yrs. Was just named for a 2nd consecutive yr. to "Who's Who in America - in the News Media" & my 1st book, about being a gay former Mormon, is being copyrighted. Will be sent to a lit. agent in NYC for publication.

It is my hope the press generated from-this-petition & the courage of BYU Professor Warner Woodworth as well as his students, will translate into real change. Not only at the Y, but more importantly in the LDS Church, which has damaged & ended so many lgbt Mormon lives. Having experienced 1st-hand the annual Spring-time witch-hunts for gay students in 1969 & dealing with Spencer W. Kimball for 16 yrs., I know all-too-well how dissent is crushed by the Mormon Church. My book has chronicled this & my 17 yrs. at Billboard Magazine in L.A., Vegas & the Bflo./Rochester, N.Y. markets.

I have never given any financial aid to BYU, but have asked for information to send support to the Young Democrats-on-campus. During the Communications Dept. awards dinner when we learned Nixon had bombed Cambodia, some of us stood in silent protest. Radical then, huh? Remember, this was when Ernest Wilkinson, who'd stolen millions from Native Americans in legal fees, was university president. What a piece-of-work he was!

& Cheney is 1000% WORSE than that! This country will take many generations-to-recover from the damage done to our constitution, standing in the world & economy. Impeachment is too good for him & Bush! I hope this petition & protest is just-the-beginning of turning BYU & the Mormon Church around to the semi-progressive yrs. from whence-it-came. It is LONG overdue!